How Long to Cook Baked Potatoes in Air Fryer? 3

How Long to Cook Baked Potatoes in Air Fryer?

Baked potatoes are a classic and simple side dish that can be enjoyed with a variety of meals. Traditionally, baked potatoes are cooked in the oven for about an hour or more, which can be time-consuming. However, with the rise in popularity of air fryers, many people are wondering if they can use this appliance to cook baked potatoes and how long it takes.

The good news is that air fryers are a great alternative to oven-baked potatoes, and they can cook them in a fraction of the time. The exact cooking time will depend on the size of the potatoes and the type of air fryer you have, but in general, it takes about 25-30 minutes to cook a baked potato in an air fryer. It’s important to note that you will need to adjust the cooking time based on the size of your potatoes and the power of your air fryer.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how to cook baked potatoes in an air fryer, including tips for getting perfectly cooked potatoes every time. Whether you’re looking to save time or want to try a new method for cooking baked potatoes, using an air fryer is a great option that’s worth exploring.

Choosing the Right Potatoes

When it comes to cooking baked potatoes in an air fryer, choosing the right type of potato is crucial. While any potato can be cooked in an air fryer, some types work better than others.

One of the most popular types of potatoes for baking is the Russet potato, also known as the Idaho potato. These potatoes are high in starch, which makes them perfect for baking. They have a fluffy texture and a slightly sweet flavor that pairs well with a variety of toppings.

When selecting Russet potatoes for baking in an air fryer, look for ones that are uniform in size and free from blemishes or bruises. This will ensure that they cook evenly and have a nice, crispy skin.

While Russet potatoes are the most common choice for baking, there are other types of potatoes that can also be used. For example, red potatoes have a firmer texture and a slightly nutty flavor that works well in salads and stews. Yukon Gold potatoes, on the other hand, have a buttery texture and a slightly sweet flavor that makes them perfect for mashed potatoes.

Ultimately, the type of potato you choose will depend on your personal preference and the dish you are making. Just remember to choose potatoes that are fresh, firm, and free from blemishes for the best results.

Preparation Before Cooking

Before cooking your baked potatoes in an air fryer, it is important to properly prepare them. Follow these simple steps to ensure your potatoes come out perfectly cooked and delicious.

Prep and Seasoning

First, wash the potatoes thoroughly and remove any blemishes or eyes with a knife. Then, pierce the potatoes several times with a fork to allow steam to escape during cooking. This will prevent the potatoes from exploding in the air fryer.

Next, season the potatoes with salt and pepper to taste. For a more flavorful potato, consider using kosher salt or seasoning blends. You can also add a pat of butter or a drizzle of olive oil for added richness and flavor.

Pat Dry

Before placing the potatoes in the air fryer, make sure they are completely dry. Use a paper towel to pat them dry and remove any excess moisture. This will help the potatoes cook evenly and achieve a crispy skin.


When placing the potatoes in the air fryer, make sure they are spaced out evenly and not touching each other. This will allow the hot air to circulate around the potatoes and cook them evenly.

Prep Time

The prep time for baked potatoes in an air fryer is minimal. It should only take a few minutes to wash, pierce, season, and pat dry the potatoes before placing them in the air fryer.

Setting Up the Air Fryer

Before cooking baked potatoes in an air fryer, it is essential to set it up correctly. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Place the air fryer on a flat and stable surface. Ensure that there is enough space above and around the air fryer to allow for proper air circulation.

  2. Attach the air fryer basket to the air fryer. The basket is the component that holds the food during cooking. Make sure that the basket is securely attached to the air fryer to avoid accidents.

  3. Preheat the air fryer. Preheating the air fryer ensures that it reaches the desired temperature before cooking. The preheating time varies depending on the air fryer model, but it typically takes between 3 to 5 minutes.

  4. Adjust the temperature and time settings. Most air fryers have adjustable temperature and time settings. For baked potatoes, set the temperature to 400°F and the time to 30 minutes. However, the cooking time may vary depending on the size of the potatoes.

  5. Add the potatoes to the air fryer basket. Wash and dry the potatoes before placing them in the basket. Avoid overcrowding the basket to ensure that the potatoes cook evenly.

By following these steps, you will have set up your air fryer correctly and be ready to cook delicious baked potatoes.

Cooking Time and Temperature

Cooking baked potatoes in an air fryer is a quick and easy way to enjoy a delicious and healthy side dish. The cooking time and temperature for air fryer baked potatoes depend on the size of the potato and the desired doneness. Here are some general guidelines to follow:

  • Preheat your air fryer to 400°F (200°C).
  • Wash and dry your potatoes, then prick them with a fork a few times.
  • Rub the potatoes with a little bit of olive oil and sprinkle them with salt, if desired.
  • Place the potatoes in the air fryer basket, making sure they are not touching each other.
  • Cook the potatoes for 25-30 minutes, flipping them halfway through the cooking time.
  • Use a fork to check if the potatoes are fork-tender. If they are not, continue cooking for a few more minutes.

It’s important to note that the cooking time may vary depending on the size and type of potato, as well as the air fryer model. If you are cooking smaller potatoes, reduce the cooking time accordingly. If you are cooking larger potatoes, increase the cooking time.

Air fryer baked potatoes are a versatile side dish that can be served with a variety of meals, such as steak or air fryer chicken wings. They can also be used as a base for toppings such as sour cream, chives, and bacon bits. For a crispy skin, increase the cooking time by a few minutes.

In summary, air fryer baked potatoes are a quick and easy side dish that can be customized to your liking. Follow the guidelines above to ensure your potatoes are cooked to perfection.

Checking for Doneness

Once the cooking time is up, it is important to check if the baked potatoes are fully cooked. The best way to do this is by using a sharp knife to pierce the potato. If the knife goes in easily and the potato feels tender, then it is fully cooked.

Another way to check for doneness is by looking for steam coming out of the potato. If the potato is steaming, it is a good indication that it is fully cooked. However, this method may not always be reliable, so it is best to use a knife as well.

When cutting into the potato, the inside should be fluffy and light. If the insides are still firm or hard, the potato needs more cooking time. It is important to note that the cooking time may vary depending on the size and type of potato, so it is always best to check for doneness before serving.

In summary, checking for doneness is crucial when cooking baked potatoes in an air fryer. Use a sharp knife to pierce the potato and look for tenderness and steam. The inside of the potato should be fluffy and light, indicating that it is fully cooked.

Post-Cooking Steps

Once your baked potatoes are cooked to perfection in the air fryer, it’s important to take a few post-cooking steps to ensure they stay fresh and delicious.

First, remove the potatoes from the air fryer basket and place them on a plate or cutting board. Use a fork to pierce each potato a few times to release any steam and prevent them from becoming too soft.

If you’re not planning on serving the potatoes immediately, transfer them to an airtight container and refrigerate. Baked potatoes can last up to 5 days in the refrigerator, making them a great meal prep option.

When you’re ready to reheat the potatoes, simply place them back in the air fryer for 2-3 minutes or until heated through. You can also reheat them in the microwave or oven, but the air fryer will give them a crispy exterior that can’t be beat.

Overall, following these post-cooking steps will ensure that your air fryer baked potatoes stay fresh and delicious for days to come.

Nutritional Facts

Baked potatoes are a great source of nutrients, and cooking them in an air fryer can make them even healthier. Here are some nutritional facts about baked potatoes:

  • Calories: A medium-sized baked potato contains around 130-150 calories, depending on the variety and cooking method.
  • Protein: A medium-sized baked potato contains around 3-4 grams of protein.
  • Fat: A medium-sized baked potato contains less than 1 gram of fat.
  • Fiber: A medium-sized baked potato contains around 2-3 grams of fiber.
  • Sugar: A medium-sized baked potato contains less than 1 gram of sugar.
  • Saturated fat: A medium-sized baked potato contains no saturated fat.
  • Sodium: A medium-sized baked potato contains around 20-30 milligrams of sodium.
  • Vitamin C: A medium-sized baked potato contains around 28% of the daily value (DV) of vitamin C.
  • Calcium: A medium-sized baked potato contains around 2% of the DV of calcium.
  • Iron: A medium-sized baked potato contains around 6% of the DV of iron.
  • Potassium: A medium-sized baked potato contains around 25% of the DV of potassium.

It’s important to note that the nutritional content of baked potatoes can vary depending on the cooking method and toppings. For example, adding butter, sour cream, or cheese can significantly increase the calorie and fat content of a baked potato. However, cooking potatoes in an air fryer can help reduce the amount of added fat and calories, making them a healthier option.

When looking at the nutrition facts of baked potatoes, it’s also important to consider the percent daily values (%DV) listed on the label. These values indicate how much of each nutrient a serving of the food provides compared to the recommended daily intake. For example, a medium-sized baked potato provides 28% of the DV of vitamin C, which is a significant amount.

Overall, baked potatoes are a nutritious and filling food that can be a great addition to a balanced diet. Cooking them in an air fryer can help reduce added fat and calories, making them an even healthier option.

Serving Suggestions

Baked potatoes in air fryer are a versatile and delicious side dish that can be paired with a wide range of toppings and accompaniments. Here are some serving suggestions to help you make the most of your air fryer baked potatoes:

  • Cheese: Add a generous sprinkle of shredded cheddar cheese or your favorite cheese to your baked potato for a gooey and satisfying topping.

  • Sour cream: A dollop of sour cream adds a creamy and tangy flavor to your baked potato.

  • Bacon: Crisp up some oven-baked bacon or bacon bits in your air fryer and sprinkle them on top of your baked potato for a savory and crunchy addition.

  • Green onion and chives: Finely chopped green onion and chives add a fresh and herbaceous flavor to your baked potato.

  • Garlic: Roast some garlic in your air fryer and mash it into your baked potato for a fragrant and flavorful twist.

  • Chili: Top your baked potato with a hearty and spicy chili for a filling and satisfying meal.

  • Sea salt: Sprinkle some sea salt on your baked potato for a simple and classic seasoning.

  • Shredded cheese: Mix in some shredded cheddar cheese or your favorite cheese to your baked potato for a gooey and satisfying addition.

  • Greek yogurt: Swap out sour cream for a healthier alternative by using Greek yogurt as a topping.

  • Baked salmon: Pair your baked potato with some baked salmon for a nutritious and flavorful meal.

  • Avocado oil and guacamole: Drizzle some avocado oil on your baked potato and top it with some guacamole for a creamy and healthy addition.

  • Meal prep: Air fryer baked potatoes can be prepped in advance and reheated for easy and convenient meal prep.

With these serving suggestions, you can create a delicious and satisfying meal with your air fryer baked potatoes.

Additional Tips and Tricks

When it comes to cooking baked potatoes in an air fryer, there are a few additional tips and tricks that can help you achieve the perfect result.

Firstly, the size of your potatoes will affect the cooking time. If you are cooking smaller potatoes, you may need to reduce the cooking time slightly, while larger potatoes may require a longer cooking time.

To ensure a crispy skin, make sure to dry the potatoes thoroughly before cooking. You can also rub the skin with a little oil or butter for added crispiness.

When baking potatoes in an air fryer, it is important to use tongs to turn them over halfway through the cooking time. This will help to ensure even cooking and prevent any burnt spots.

While some recipes recommend wrapping the potatoes in foil, this is not necessary when using an air fryer. In fact, leaving the potatoes unwrapped will help to ensure a crispy skin.

When serving baked potatoes as a side dish for dinner, consider adding some vegetables to the air fryer basket to cook alongside the potatoes. This is a great way to save time and create a complete meal in one go.

If you don’t have an air fryer, you can also cook roasted potatoes in a conventional oven. Simply follow the same steps but adjust the cooking time and temperature as needed.

Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment with different seasonings and toppings for your baked potatoes. From classic butter and sour cream to more adventurous options like chili and cheese, the possibilities are endless.

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